Top 9 educational rules in the world (must be read by parents)

Top 9 educational rules in the world (must be read by parents)

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

there is a good saying:

when it comes to your child's education, you only have one chance.

mastering scientific methods can get twice the result with half the effort and make children take fewer detours in their growth.

here are nine of the world's top educational rules that may help you find the most correct way to open education.


wolf nature rule

Wolf is the most curious animal in the world.

everything from a pine cone to a prey is the object of their study.

the growth of the little wolf is accomplished under the curious exploration of the world again and again.

the same goes for children.

Children with strong curiosity tend to have a stronger desire to learn and be able to solve problems better.

after winning the Nobel Prize, the famous American physicist rabbi recalled what his mother inspired him:

other parents ask their children what they have learned in school every day after school.

and his mother only asked one thing: "did you ask a good question today?"

it was this move that got the rabbi into the habit of asking questions and laid the groundwork for him to become a scientist.

psychologist Ian Leslie says that in the future, people with curiosity will be favored.

what parents need to understand is that curiosity is more important than not going wrong.

the healthiest education is to let children think and let their interests become the best teachers.


the law of natural punishment

Rousseau, a famous French educator, proposed that the punishment suffered by a child is the natural result of his fault.

to put it simply: people who make mistakes can not be borne by others. Only by paying for themselves can they really grow up.

I have seen a classic case:

when a child is playing with a glass at home, many parents will exclaim to stop their child for fear that he will break and scratch himself.

A father stood by and watched.

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sure enough, the child broke the cup and cried after his hand was pricked.

the father, as if prepared, took out cotton swabs and alcohol, calmly sterilized and bandaged the child, and told him by the way how dangerous glass was.

after this, the child never played with glasses again.

not letting children make mistakes is actually the biggest fallacy in education.

many people feel that "I have heard a lot of truth, but I can't live a good life." the reason is nothing more than the lack of practice in life.

Let the child experience the pain of punishment, and the pits he has stepped through in the past will become the way for him to walk in the future.


Lady Gandhi's Law

the famous Lady Gandhi's Law is derived from the true story of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the Iron Lady of India.

her son Rajiv will have a big operation when he is 13 years old.

at this point, the doctor discussed with Mrs. Gandhi that in order to appease the child, it would be better to lie to him that the operation would not hurt.

Mrs. Gandhi bluntly told her son:

there are risks to surgery.

even if you cry and scream, the pain will not go away, but will cause headaches.

Mom and the doctor will help and accompany you.

but, apart from that, you have to bear everything by yourself and stick to it. After listening to his mother's words, Rajiv calmly finished the operation without crying.

far-sighted parents all know the same truth:

their children still have a long way to go in the future, and parents cannot protect them forever.

what they need most is the strength to strive for progress.

it is better to seek sense of security on a smooth road than to forge ahead in adversity.


respect the Law

A study in the United States shows that

talking more with children aged 9 months to 3 years old, he will be smarter when he grows up.

in families where parents and children have equal relationship, mutual respect and frequent communication, children's IQ is higher than normal.

peer-to-peer way, children can have self-confidence and sound personality.

the self-esteem of taking care of children is the first principle of education.

Lu Xun said: children "don't treat him as a person" when they are young, and they "can't be a person" when they grow up.

Children who grow up with criticism are the most likely to feel inferior, while children who grow up with ridicule are the most likely to be cowardly.

showing respect for young children and releasing tolerance for children who have made mistakes is the shortcut to bring children back from mistakes and rebellion.


Law of diminishing talent

A hundred years ago, a novice mother came to Darwin's house.

she came to ask Mr. Darwin when it was best to start raising children.

Darwin asked, "how old is your child?"

the guest replied, "only two and a half years old."

Darwin said with regret, "Ma'am, you are already late, two and a half years late."

although this answer is exaggerated, it shows the true meaning of the law of talent decline:

A child's talent decreases with age.

the later the education, the less the child's inborn potential may be tapped.

Montessori, a famous expert in early education, pointed out that

education should be done sooner rather than later.

the earlier the potential is developed, the sooner the child wins at the starting line.