Nobel laureate made an important discovery: it is not food and exercise that determine the length of life, but …

Nobel laureate made an important discovery: it is not food and exercise that determine the length of life, but …

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

Health and longevity has always been the direction of people's pursuit and research.

the way of longevity summed up by Elizabeth, the Nobel Prize winner in physiology, once attracted people's attention, that is:

people want to live 100 years old, reasonable diet accounts for 25%, others account for 25%, and the role of mental balance accounts for 50%.

how to understand the "psychological balance", which accounts for half of the factors affecting longevity? How can we do that?


"stress hormone" can damage the body

Psychological studies have found that when a person is furious, the body produces enough stress hormones to kill mice. Therefore, "stress hormone", also known as "toxic hormone".

the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic also said:

so treat the heart first.

Modern medicine has found that cancer, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, peptic ulcer, irregular menstruation, etc., 65% of human diseases are related to psychological depression. Therefore, this kind of disease is called psychosomatic disease.

if people are restless, angry, nervous, etc., so that stress hormone levels remain high for a long time, the body's immune system will be suppressed and destroyed, and the cardiovascular system will become particularly vulnerable due to long-term overwork.

when people are happy, the brain secretes "beneficial hormones" such as dopamine. Beneficial sex hormones relax people's mood and produce pleasure, which is a good state in which both body and mind are very comfortable, which can make the various functions of the human body coordinate and balance each other and promote health.

so, what should we do in life to secrete more happy "beneficial sex hormones" and reduce "stress hormones"?

1. Set a goal and think hard

New research shows that a "strong sense of purpose" is good for health. Because whether there is a pursuit in life determines a person's state of mind, and then determines his physical condition.

the cerebral vessels of people who are diligent in thinking are in a state of relaxation, so regular use of the brain can promote brain metabolism and delay aging.

after retirement, middle-aged and elderly friends can go to college for the elderly to learn calligraphy, dancing, singing, painting, and so on, so as to keep their brains active.

2. Helping others has a therapeutic effect

researchers have found that giving "material" help to others can reduce the fatality rate by 42%; giving mental support to others can reduce the fatality rate by 30%.

because of being kind to others and often doing good deeds, there will be an indescribable sense of pleasure and pride, which in turn reduces the level of stress hormones and promotes the secretion of "beneficial hormones".

Psychiatric epidemiologists even say that forming the habit of helping others is a good way to prevent and treat depression.

3. Family harmony is the secret of longevity

A study accumulated by two psychology professors in the United States over the past 20 years found that among the decisive factors affecting life expectancy, "interpersonal relationships" ranked first. Relationships may be more important than fruits and vegetables, regular exercise and regular check-ups, they say.

interpersonal relationships include not only with friends, but also with family. Therefore, family harmony and happiness with friends is one of the secrets of longevity!

4. If you give kindness, you will get it.

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when we smile at others, others will greet them with a smile. Whether you are with friends or Wechat chatting with old classmates, remember to keep smiling and be friendly.

this friendliness includes: praise, humor, smile, respect, comity, easygoing, tolerant, forgiving, considerate, compassionate, loyal, listening, etc. Only in this way can we reap the friendliness of others and feel better.


"emotional discomfort can lead to liver disease."

some people have done such an experiment: after the hepatectomy of an animal, the portal vein, which is supposed to enter the liver, is directly connected with the abdominal artery, the heart immediately expands and the venous blood accumulates, and the animal dies quickly. it can be seen how important the liver is in regulating the volume of blood circulation.

when the mood is unhappy, angry and depressed, it will also affect the catharsis of the liver, and the qi stagnation and blood knot of the liver and liver channels will occur.

"if you are not angry, you will not be sick."

emotion is a human instinct, but in a highly competitive living environment, people's mental stress will naturally increase, so a variety of negative emotions will often affect people's health.

Professor Hao Wanshan said: "you look at a lot of people, complain everywhere, and don't like anything." How does the country look like this, the society looks like this, and the unit looks like this. When I get home, I complain about how my family looks like this. Complaining is a negative emotion. "

Professor Hao Wanshan also said: "now, according to World Health Organization statistics, more than 90% of diseases are related to emotion. Hey, as long as we keep our emotions under control, we can avoid getting sick, getting seriously ill, getting sick less and getting sick later. "


"calm your heart and move your body."

nourishing the mind, meditation, cultivating the mind, and regulating consciousness and emotion are in themselves a common sense of health preservation, but unfortunately they are not taken seriously by everyone, which is why there are "incurable gastropathy" and "pharyngitis with a lifetime".

peace of mind means physical well-being, physical well-being means physical health, and peace of mind and good health lead to fewer diseases. Movement can give birth to yang, yang is exuberant and accessible, then qi and blood is smooth, muscle is plump, muscles and bones are strong.

the mind should be calm, the body should move, and the nutrition balance is not excessive. These are the three magic weapons advocated by health conservators of all schools throughout the ages.

in fact, it is not only eating and exercise that determine the length of life expectancy, but also a happy mood and a positive attitude are also very important!