It turns out that easygoing is a kind of ability.

It turns out that easygoing is a kind of ability.

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easygoing people are like water, seemingly soft, but in fact they are infinitely powerful. They can not only tolerate all things in the world, but also change their own destiny.

as the saying goes, dripping water wears away a stone. No matter how tough the stone is, it will eventually be penetrated by soft water.

people, too, being too tough will lead to disaster sooner or later. Only by being easy-going can we go further and further on the road of life.


easygoing is not without principles, but a kind of wisdom

Mencius said: "A gentleman is better than being kind to others."

easygoing, not submissive, not the so-called good old man, but an excellent quality of being kind and helpful to others.

Granny Liu in A Dream of Red Mansions is typical of being smart and easygoing. She knows very well that she is only a poor relative of Jia Fu, so she speaks carefully and pays attention step by step.

Wang Xifeng and Yuanyang deliberately played tricks on her to curry favor with Jia's mother, and only after the incident did they apologize to her. Grandma Liu smiled and said, "there's nothing to be annoyed about for the sake of the old lady's happiness, but let me know in advance next time."

when I came to Jia Fu for the second time, I wanted to tell you a joke about stealing firewood in winter, but when Jia Fu caught fire, she immediately changed the subject.

Granny Liu's easygoing wit made everyone from being unpopular at first to gradually accepting her.

even the mean Wang Xifeng was finally able to trust her and entrust her with her daughter Qiao Jie.

as the saying goes, "shrewdness is not as good as kindness, honesty is better than honesty, strength is not as good as kindness."

easygoing people are extremely intelligent, the eyes can see the world, and the soul can spy on the heart.

they have the wisdom of "rare confusion", look for fun and opportunities in the suffering life, and have far-sighted thoughts and realms.


easygoing is a great ability

as the ancients said, "nothing in the world is difficult, and he who has a will will make it; nothing in the world is easy, and he who has persistence gets it."

ambition and perseverance are both great abilities, while easygoing is an undervalued ability.

during the period of the three Kingdoms, talents emerged in large numbers, but Liu Bei, who came from a grassroots background, was able to break through the siege and become a winner in life, largely because of his easygoing quality.

Liu Bei leads the people, but he never boasts his identity. He is low-key and humble. He is willing to live down and is very popular with the people. Many people follow him in life and death.

in order to seek talents, he gave up his dignity, took care of the cottage three times, and finally got the talent Zhuge Liang.

he can not only know people, but also use people, so Zhuge Liang gave to him wholeheartedly to be grateful for the kindness he had met until his death.

easygoing is not only a rare accomplishment, but also a great ability.

in life, we often underestimate the power of easygoing, thinking that strength can win the hearts of the people, and hardness can conquer others.

No one knows that only when you put aside arrogance and complacency, be kind and easy-going, can you win the respect and admiration of others.


easygoing people have blessings everywhere

Zuo Zhuan says: "there is no way to misfortune or misfortune, but only to be called."

disasters and blessings are not predestined, but come from yourself. All the blessings in the world are accumulated by your kindness and hard work.

Zeng Guofan, an important minister of the late Qing Dynasty, was praised by later generations as "the first perfect man in ancient and modern times", and his life was full of happiness in the eyes of others.

in fact, when Zeng Guofan first entered officialdom, Zeng Guofan collided with others many times. it was only after being reminded by others that Zeng Guofan began to reflect on himself and improve his temper.

from then on, he not only treats people kindly, but also knows how to think calmly when things happen, and does not casually criticize others.

after the change, Zeng Guofan was very popular, and the official movement also prospered all the way.

as the saying goes, "Blessed are always easy-going people."

if an easygoing person is kind and kind to others, God will reward him with more blessings; if a mean person is mean to others, God will take away his blessing.

in this life, happiness begins with easygoing, and happiness comes from serenity.

easygoing, such a simple word, but covers the highest self-cultivation.

We often say that harmony is the most precious and easygoing ability in one's life.